Currently in production:
The Second Reality Project 3

December 01 2024
I finally had some time to expand the music-section a little,
which is something I wanted to do for years.
It's still a work in progress, but for now there are download-options available
for a few TSRP-related arrangements that were previously
only available in the form of YouTube-videos.
More to come... at least that's the plan!

August 24 2024
I was recently reminded that it's now 10 years
since TSRP2's remake got released.
Wow! Time flies.
In any case, I figured it's appropiate to show at least some sign of life here,
confirming that TSRP3 is still a thing that's in the works.
More information and screenshots can be found here!

July 31 2021
The Second Reality Project 3 was a hack I was working on from 2007 - 2009.
Than I didn't. For quite a long time.
But guess what? Sometimes magic happens and now it's back in production!

September 24 2016
It's time to present FireSeraphim's "The Second Reality Project X", a fangame created with Redigit's Super Mario Bros. X and based on the TSRP-series. A demo with the first two worlds completed is available, and unlike my romhacks you won't even need an emulator or anything to play it! Go download the demo here, and/or check out the trailer video on YouTube.
The plot of this ambitious project takes place between the events of "TSRPR" and "TSRP2R" and features characters mostly neglected in the "main series", Luigi and Toad.

September 20 2016
"New" old section added on the site; the Fundubs didn't survive the switch of the website back in June 2014, but I had always planned to bring them back... sometimes things take a little longer I guess... many videos are still offline right now, but with some luck they will all be back at some point! Anyway it's still all german talking nonsense. Really!

July 22 2014
The new music-section is up, for now containing the complete soundtracks to both TSRPR and TSRP2 - you can choose between mp3's and the original spc-files.

July 16 2014
"The Second Reality Project 2 - Zycloboo's Challenge v2.1" - which fixes a few bugs - is available now in the hack-section. Also, all hacks on this site have now their own video-section in which you can watch some trailers for the hack as well as gameplay-videos showing some of the levels in the hack.

July 13 2014
After four years of slow but steady progress, the day has come: I'll release "The Second Reality Project 2 - Zycloboo's Challenge v2.0". It's up there to get in the hack-section. I hope you enjoy the remake!

July 12 2014
The second trailer for "The Second Reality Project 2 - Zycloboo's Challenge" is finally out!
Check it out on the newly added video-sections for the various romhacks!
More stuff will follow very soon!

June 01 2014
Welcome back everyone!
I know the website was pretty much dead for quite some time now, but I'm finally starting to getting the previous content back on it... stay tuned!